WellBeing World Partners with UK’s Leading Solution for Workplace Wellbeing

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WellBeing World, the Channel Islands based health and wellbeing business has partnered with Wellity to provide employers and their employees in Jersey and Guernsey with access to the UK’s leading solution for employee wellbeing. Working internationally, Wellity provides a global solution that optimises employee mental health and wellbeing and transforms working cultures. As a Great British Entrepreneur 2020 Finalist and co-founder of the Great British Workplace Wellbeing Community, Wellity is the recognised trusted provider of industry leading solutions that unite, educate and promote good health amongst the working population.

Founder of WellBeing World, Beverley Le Cuirot said: “At a time when societal stress levels are higher than ever, it is critical that employers take the necessary steps to manage the wellbeing of their employees in a strategic and effective way. Having spent the last 10 years championing wellbeing in the Channel Islands, the time is right to reach out to fellow wellbeing experts around the world to enhance the services we are able to offer our clients in Jersey and Guernsey. Like myself, the founders of Wellity, Simon Scott-Nelson and Sadie Restorick, have extensive industry experience, boasting over 40 years combined experience in business and corporate leadership across a range of sectors. They have both also discovered first-hand the importance of creating a rewarding work environment for employees.”

Wellity is the culmination of three wellbeing companies, We Work Well, Euthenia Touch and host brand, Wellity. The joint companies have been in operation since 2010 and the team has developed a fully branded customised online platform to provide a complete and comprehensive staff wellbeing solution, with over 200 e-learning courses, regular webinars presented by experts, real-time data analytics and reporting, built in survey/risk assessment, gamification and social learning.

The fully accredited team have also developed the Wellity certification scheme, helping organisations to comply with ISO 45003, the first global standard giving practical guidance on managing psychological health in the workplace. It includes information on how to recognise the psychosocial hazards that can affect workers, such as those that arise from home working, and offers examples of effective, often simple, actions that can be taken to manage these and improve employee wellbeing. These standards will be incorporated into the Leaders in WellBeing Awards, the wellbeing awards scheme which was established by WellBeing World in 2019. Powered by Wellity, Leaders in WellBeing will shortly launch its own bespoke accreditation system for employers.

Co-founder Sadie Restorick is a global speaker, author, published scholar, consultant and trainer specialising in mental health, wellbeing and psychosocial risk management. Sadie presented her published research on work-related stress at the European Occupational Health Psychology Conference and was also a Leaders in WellBeing Reimagined Summit 2020 speaker. Working together, WellBeing World and Wellity will offer their combined range of services in the Channel Islands to corporates and small business owners, and their employees.

Commenting on the partnership, co-founder Mr Scott-Nelson, who is also currently Chair of the Institute of Sales Management Mental Health and Wellbeing Committee, said: “We are really excited to partner with Beverley and her team at WellBeing World, WellBeing At Work, and Leaders in WellBeing; they have made great strides in raising the overall awareness for wellbeing. We share the same vision for better workplaces and look forward to working with them to help each and every business in the Channel Islands to ensure their people thrive. Our mission is to help organisations from across the world to unite, learn and normalise the conversation around mental health and wellbeing.”

“Research shows that managers play the most crucial role in determining the wellbeing of employees, and that managers are asking for leadership training specifically in wellbeing and mental health; the Wellity Leadership Development training programme will therefore be one of the first programmes to be rolled out. The programme equips leaders with the tools to navigate times of change and uncertainty and shows attendees that the crisis presented by the pandemic provides an opportunity for every leader to build strong foundations based on empathetic connections.”

Mrs Le Cuirot added: “Our own experience, supported by recent research on work and mental health (Financial Times) and Coping with Covid, the Hidden Cost to Businesses and their People (Westfield Health) has shown that employees are struggling with increased levels of stress, distress, anxiety and loneliness. The respondents to the FT research, who came from predominantly professional sectors, including education, financial services and media, from all corners of the world, spoke of the difficulties – and benefits – of new work practices and about the demands spurred by the pandemic that have affected their mental health. Without a doubt, mental health is our next crisis, and this will be the case in the Channel Islands, as anywhere.

“By law, employers must ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, the health of employees at work. If employees are suffering from stress due to pressures outside of work, whilst not a legal requirement, it will likely affect their performance at work and adversely impact the business. It therefore in the employer’s best interests to provide support to employees,” she concluded.

Sadie Restorick commented: “In this high pressured and challenging world, it can be difficult for managers to know how best to support their people whilst also being a resilient role model in the face of change. We are driven by a commitment to the development and delivery of wellbeing strategies and interventions based on best practice and industry excellence. The partnership between Wellity and WellBeing World will give leaders in the Channel Islands the tools to navigate through challenge and adversity and create healthy working cultures.”

For more information: www.wellityglobal.com and www.wellbeingworld.je

World Wellbeing Week 2024

June 24 – June 30

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