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Jersey – A Hotspot for Holistic Health and Wellbeing!

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Jersey offers beautiful surroundings with its diverse coastline presenting a pretty picture for walking and taking in the fresh air. There are plenty of places to go and immerse oneself in nature – from the beaches to the dunes, to the country lanes and boundless inland paths and green lanes. These unique places also offer up an array of wonderful produce; from the fresh fish to the organic vegetables – a must if you consider how important healthy food is toward ensuring a well-balanced and wholesome lifestyle.

Obesity in Jersey is relatively low (well lower than the USA and UK) and our overall health and wellbeing is deemed to be good. With top rate medical services at our reach and many complementary treatments also available, we are blessed to have such choice. Compared to the UK, we are seen promptly by general practitioners and specialists alike and mostly all diseases have their own respective surgeons and experts on island to work with patients in need of their services.

Jersey is home to a fine hospice and recuperation centre as well as plenty of private convalescence homes and after care. Care for the elderly is comparatively good in Jersey too – with homes and residential care across the scale being on offer to the older generation living in Jersey. [We do have some work to do to prepare for the ageing population and that is covered on pages 18/19].

As for the younger Jersey generations, they are fortunate to have good schooling – both State run and private. Grades are generally higher than our UK counterparts and many go on to university or higher education. We have internationally recognised Degrees to be studied at the Jersey International Business School, and Highlands College also offers an exceedingly good and diverse range of courses for islanders to embark on for betterment and prospects for work. With employment rates better than across the water, we are pretty lucky in that regard too.

‘Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.’ ~ Albert Einstein

Opportunities to keep fit in Jersey are also great, with a relatively high number of gyms and spas, pools, a running track along the front and the natural landscape presenting its own fair share of fitness opportunities. The sand dunes are a favourite for the Jersey Rugby team and even the steep stairwell up to Fort Regent proves a challenging exercise route for those wanting to boost their stamina. Prices for memberships, classes and pursuits, with no VAT and a range of different offerings to suit all levels of fitness and budget – there’s plenty to literally keep us on our toes!

With respect to social wellbeing, Jersey is renowned for being generous in terms of giving time and energy to charitable pursuits. Just think of some of the events on the social calendar, such as Groove de Lecq and all of the other events and gatherings held by local people – sharing talents and expertise, giving time and money to benefit others. Volunteerism breeds a healthy spirit and in turn a gratitude for all of the good things we, as the lucky folk of Jersey have available to us.

We have a rich heritage, culture and the arts; and a work-life balance the envy of many; where else could you be on the beach within 20 minutes of leaving the office?

Jersey is safe, we are one of the few places in Europe where walking down the street late at night is rarely a cause for concern. In regard to major crime, Jersey has its handful of notable incidences but within the ratio of time against seriousness, we barely show up on the parameter of significant crime concerns.

And, the island itself … Beautiful Jersey – our environment and the care we take to preserve it is, for the most part exceptional. We may have our debates over historic landmarks and natural landscapes and how they should or should not be developed, but in general Jersey takes great care of itself and we as islanders ought to be proud of how environmentally conscious many of us are. Recycling and eco friendly travel around the island is a high priority and it seems our many excellent schools are taking the steps necessary to ensure the message is handed down to generations to come.

Add to this, the fresh sea air, clean beaches, above average sunshine and blue skies, stunning coastlines, the natural beauty of the countryside, great choice of good food, cultural sites, sports and fitness choices, the plethora of luxury spas, gyms and vast range of therapies which are available for one’s general health and wellbeing, Jersey is THE destination on Europe’s doorstep to rest, relax and re-energise.

All within a close proximity, and just one hour from London, it is perfect for a weekend to escape the city completely. Who needs Honolulu for its lifelong health, San Francisco for its healthy eating, or Silicon Valley for workplace wellness, when we have our own world of wellbeing right here in Beautiful Jersey.

World Wellbeing Week 2024

June 24 – June 30

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