Experience less pain, greater energy and life balance today!
Traditional acupuncture is more than pain management, treating headaches or back pain. This system is uniquely suited to modern life as physical, emotional and mental blocks are seen as interdependent. Treatment is aimed at the root cause of the condition as well as easing the symptoms, relieving tension and promoting balance and vitality.
Acupuncture is a safe and gentle technique that can be used on babies, during pregnancy through to sport enthusiasts, the elderly or as a maintenance treatment.
Health Point Clinic uses a number of techniques tailored to your individual goals, including acupuncture, acupressure, Tuina (Chinese massage), Swedish massage, reflexology and Qi Gong.
Most private health insurers now cover acupuncture treatment. Please contact your private health provider before treatment to confirm your policy details.
Lorna Jackson, Acupuncture 1st BSc (Hons), MBAcC, AFN runs Health Point.
W: www.healthpointclinic.co.uk
E: lornajackson@healthpoint.co.uk
T: +44 (0) 1534 852 039 (Greencliff Chiropractic)
T: +44 (0) 1534 859 348 (Lido Medical Centre)