Become a Member

Are you a health and wellbeing practitioner? Looking to increase your business?

WellBeing World membership has provided profile and business leads to wellbeing practitioners for over 12 years.

Members who have seen their businesses grow over the years will vouch for our hard work and enterprise.

We would love to do the same for your business.




Become A Member

WellBeing World Membership provides health and wellbeing practitioners with:
If you are registered, qualified and insured to do business, and you are providing health, happiness and inspiration to your clients, we would like to work with you.
Members who have seen their businesses grow over the years will vouch for our hard work and enterprise. We would love to do the same for your business.
Membership rates are determined by the number of employees in your business and whether you are a New or Existing Member.


Businesses with 1-4 Employees

12 Month Rolling Membership
£ 185 (Existing Member £125)

Businesses with 5-25 Employees

12 Month Rolling Membership
£ 245 (Existing Member £185)

Businesses with 26+ Employees

12 Month Rolling Membership
£ 305 (Existing Member £245)

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